TRP Secrets

Tired of seeing cool TRP profiles and being told "it's a secret"? Well not anymore! No hacks. No WTF edits. Only hidden gems and happy roleplayers ahead. 😎 Remember: always backup your files!

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To add and edit images not provided within the TRP addon, follow these steps. All images here were datamined from the existing game files.

Follow this link to search for images. As a starting point, find GLUES like this one:

Right click > Save image as > Save
Once in your File Explorer, mouseover it to see this:

The dimensions are 1024x512. Hold on to that.

Copy the URL and trim it as shown:
Plug it into the img code used in TRP and add the correct dimensions:

(Skip this step if you don't want to scale your image.)Here's a scaling tool. Plug in the original dimensions and the new size as a %:

Copy the results and edit your img code:
• For image integrity, avoid scaling larger than the original dimensions.

(Skip this step if you don't want the image to be in the background.)Add :L or :R after the dimensions:
• Images are positioned relative to where they are placed in your profile.
• If you want to layer images, leave no spacing between each img code:

• The background's strata isn't determined by code order. Reload your UI to see how the images will settle.
• If an image is too bright, try layering this image over it with what ever dimensions you need:


To use different fonts and make rainbow text, follow these steps. So far, we've only discovered the three fonts explained here.

Go here and generate your text. Copy the 7th font result:

(Skip to step 4 if you don't want the text to be multicolored.)Use this colorizer to generate a gradient. Add your special text here:

Copy the BBcode and edit it to match the text code used in TRP:
[color=#896BFF]T[/color][color=#8672FF]R[/color][color=#837AFF]P[/color] [color=#7E8AFF]S[/color][color=#7B92FF]e[/color][color=#7899FF]c[/color][color=#75A1FF]r[/color][color=#73A9FF]e[/color][color=#70B1FF]t[/color][color=#6DB9FF]s[/color]
{col:896BFF}T{/col}{col:8672FF}R{/col}{col:837AFF}P{/col} {col:7E8AFF}S{/col}{col:7B92FF}e{/col}{col:7899FF}c{/col}{col:75A1FF}r{/col}{col:73A9FF}e{/col}{col:70B1FF}t{/col}{col:6DB9FF}s{/col}

Add a kanji character to make the font visible.TIPS:
• You don't have to wrap all your text in kanjis.
• The kanji will only break if it's separated from the text by major code strings.
• Hide the kanji by making it the same color as your background:

Add a kanji character to make this font visible:

Add a hangul character to make this font visible:

• This font doesn't work with capital letters.


To use various symbols, check out these tips.

Use a kanji character to make certain symbols visible.TIPS:
• You don't have to wrap all your symbols in kanjis.
• The kanji will only break if it's separated from the symbol by major code strings.
• Hide the kanji by making it the same color as your background:


Use a hangul character to make other symbols visible.TIP:
• Kanjis and hanguls may break if placed together in the same code string.
• Swapping a kanji for a hangul to support a different symbol, may alter special text:


These symbols are only visible near a kanji or hangul:

Roman Numerals

These symbols are only visible near a hangul:

• Regardless of these work arounds, some symbols may break each other.

These symbols work within TRP naturally:

© ® ¤ ø ï ¡ ° º « » ×

Use a   (Alt+255) to hide the rank in custom guilds:

• This will not work if you use an addon that alters your UI fonts, like ElvUI.


To make tooltips and links with icons, check out these tips.

{link*Your text here*Paste icon here}

{link*Your link here*Paste icon here}

Coming soon!

This page is still under construction. Check back later!


A collection of precoded images handpicked by us.































